Losing weight can be a challenge and there are so many options, it is difficult sometimes to decide what is safe and what is not. If you looking for a sample of a food menu and need to know which foods are the best, then read on. Here you learn about 10 food products that can dieter to be a best friend.
Low-Fat Cottage Cheese Low-fat cottage cheese can make a big difference for those seeking to launch a few pounds. E 'low in fat, carbohydrates and calories, while remaining high in protein. A half-cup of cottage cheese contains 15 grams of protein, approximately the same as 2 ounces of poultry, fish or cooked lean meat.
Cottage cheese is also very versatile, so if you do not care for the taste itself, you can add fresh fruit to sweeten a little 'about.
There are few foods that are healthy such as fresh cheese. Beyond these advantages, the low-fat cottage cheese is also loaded with vitamin D and calcium, both contributing to a healthy lifestyle.
Eggs Eggs, as low fat cottage cheese are low in fat but rich in protein. The fat that eggs have the right kind of fat. From 5 g of fat per egg is only 1.5 grams of saturated fat. If you're concerned about cholesterol, not ready to reject eggs. The American Heart Association recognizes that an egg a day is acceptable as long as you limit dietary cholesterol from other sources.
Many experts believe that saturated fats and trans fats have a greater impact that the dietary cholesterol raise blood cholesterol. Where to eat an egg will make you feel full and curb their desire unhealthy snacks. Next time, why not reach an egg, instead of the chip.
Blueberries Until now, most people have heard about the numerous benefits of eating blueberries. Fortunately, they are readily available for large and medium -- morning or a snack in the middle of the afternoon, when you need a boost of energy. Load of blueberries contain antioxidants, which are considered important to reduce the free radicals that can cause cancer and accelerate the aging process.
According to researchers from the Center for Human Nutrition USDA, blueberries are ranked number 1 in antioxidant activity when compared with 40 other fruits and vegetables. Cranberries are perfect for the dieter because they are tasty, low in calories and high in nutrition.
Nuts These are among the healthiest foods you can eat. Rich in fiber, magnesium, B vitamins and antioxidants like vitamin E, are also a of the best sources of vegetable protein. Walnuts have also shown to reduce LDL cholesterol (the bad kind).
As the nuts are generally high in fat, eating in moderation is the key. About 20 walnut half (equivalent to 1.5 ounces per day) is about recommends serving these tasty offerings. Walnuts can be eaten alone as a snack or as Toppers for salads, pasta, oatmeal and a nearly infinite variety of dishes.
Spinach Rich in vitamin C, fiber, iron and carotenoids, spinach is a powerful nutrient. Known to protect against cancer and heart disease, is 'S hard to beat this food. Spinach is a tasty dish (sauteed in a little "olive oil and garlic) or as a basis for a large salad. And "naturally low in calories and high in flavor, and nutritious.
Sweet potatoes These plants are naturally sweet, delicious and available almost all year. Sweet potatoes are great for antioxidants in Besides being excellent sources of vitamin A and vitamin C. In addition, help fight inflammation and may help with diseases such as asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.
Sweet potatoes keep it feeling full for hours that the calories useful. Sweet potatoes have a low glycemic index, which means that breaks down slowly during digestion. It was demonstrated that reducing the glycemic load of the diet appears to be an effective method to promote weight loss.
If you have a craving for sugar, to consider a hot, sweet potatoes in oven to keep your sweet tooth.
Watermelon This tasty summer fruit is rich in potassium and vitamin C. Watermelon is also an excellent source of lycopene, which is for a quote variety of tumors.
Watermelon is naturally low in calories, so it's not the perfect guilt-treated. If you're hungry for something sweet, sweet and juicy watermelon is a great choice.
Salmon Loaded with omega 3 fatty acids, this beautiful pink fish can be served in a multitude of ways. Salmon contains a significant amount of
important omega-3 essential fatty acids that are important to reduce inflammation and maintain our immune system and circulatory unwanted
systems healthy.
Salmon is rich in protein, so it is filling and healthy to boot. Definitely a winner food!
Goji berries Although it may not be familiar with this tasty fruit is rich in vitamins, protein and nutrients, is a winner food.
The berries, also known as wolfberries, contains 18 kinds of amino acids, more vitamin C of oranges, more beta-carotene carrots and more iron steak. Along with the ability to protect the skin from damage Sunday also help fight heart disease.
Goji berries can help in weight loss because they are rich in fiber and have a low glycemic index. They can be enjoyed as a snack by itself, or in tea, fruit juice, cereal bars.
The berries are jam-packed with health benefits and are certainly worth trying.
Oatmeal A large number of studies have shown that eating oatmeal can reduce cholesterol and help reduce the risk of heart disease. In Furthermore, recent studies are showing that oats may also help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. For these reasons, it is a burgoo regular part of a healthy diet.
For a dieter, oats can also help you lose weight. The soluble fiber in oats absorbs a large amount of water delays digestive process, which you feel more complete.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so you start your day with oats to add to your healthy lifestyle.
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